6 Reasons Why Tonks Makes a Great Personal Trainer
If you are in the market for a personal trainer, you might consider my spunky Dachshund-Beagle mix Tonks.
1. If you're sitting on the couch and you so much as whisper the words "walk" or "run," this flips a switch in her brain. I do hope to get a video of Tonks' reaction, but for now, watch these dogs I don't know. Pretty much the same. Tonks' reaction is much akin to the dog that screeches.
Point: Even if you aren't excited about exercise, Tonks is. To the point of distraction.
Read more »1. If you're sitting on the couch and you so much as whisper the words "walk" or "run," this flips a switch in her brain. I do hope to get a video of Tonks' reaction, but for now, watch these dogs I don't know. Pretty much the same. Tonks' reaction is much akin to the dog that screeches.
Point: Even if you aren't excited about exercise, Tonks is. To the point of distraction.
Labels: Considering Life