Thursday, April 21, 2011

6 Reasons Why Tonks Makes a Great Personal Trainer

If you are in the market for a personal trainer, you might consider my spunky Dachshund-Beagle mix Tonks.

1. If you're sitting on the couch and you so much as whisper the words "walk" or "run," this flips a switch in her brain. I do hope to get a video of Tonks' reaction, but for now, watch these dogs I don't know. Pretty much the same. Tonks' reaction is much akin to the dog that screeches.

Point: Even if you aren't excited about exercise, Tonks is. To the point of distraction.

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Six-Hour Hot Chocolate

I should preface this story with one important truth: I have an excellent husband. He watches the Golden Girls with me on a nightly basis, washes more dishes than I do and is incredibly patient with what he calls the soundtrack of my life. (Track one: "I lost my keys!" Track two: "Where's my phone?" And so on.)

He is also letting me tell the following story, and I'm grateful.

On Friday night, we watched Up for the first time. It's a great movie but it completely destroyed me. I cried for about half the movie because the love story was so sweet and tragic -- and I was laughing hysterically during the rest. ("I was hiding under your porch because I love you!") Emotional whiplash took its toll, and as the final credits rolled, I decided I needed a pick-me-up.

So I asked Jonathan, who was sitting next to me on the couch, if he could make us hot chocolate. In another awesome-husband move, he got up and made his way to the kitchen. Moments later, I get a question.

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